TH Youth Take a Leap of Faith

This Easter, five churches from across Tower Hamlets sent 28 young people to Oakwood Residential Centre for a week. We had a fantastic time on the high ropes, facing fears on the leap of faith, using the climbing and bouldering centre as well as experiencing the fun of the ‘flying kiwi’. The youth really enjoyed spending time with the instructors who took time to encourage and support the young people to go beyond what they thought they could do. 

Over the course of the week we spent time studying God’s word together, looking at Moses, Elijah and Jesus in small groups. In the evening we spent time thinking about the Kingdom of God, his presence in our lives and who he says we are. Everyone leaned into worship and discovering more about their journey with God. 

We even had a special musical guest come and lead a worship workshop, and the young people wrote their own chorus to the song; ‘Here I am to Worship’ based on what they’d been learning over the week.

‘I know that you are mighty

I know that you’re my helper

I know that you are everlasting love

So even when I’m selfish

Even when I feel sad,

I know that you are always by my side

We had such a great time, baking, crafting, playing endless connect 4, card games, table tennis, and even the Tower Hamlets Youth Van put in an appearance. This was such a special time with a fantastic group of young people, finding out what journeying with God is like.


Hey youth… meet the VAN


Prayer walk…EVERY street in TH!