A Year of Prayer Walks

Every fortnight over the past year we have gathered from churches across Tower Hamlets to rise early to walk and pray. Our aim was to prayer walk every parish in the deanery and bless the work of the churches in our borough, each time finishing by praying together our Tower Hamlets Prayer.

We’ve taken in high rise estates, ancient churches, deep industrial and artisan history, schools, street art, rough sleepers, and the awakening of parks while we prayed for peace. We chalked the ground, scattered salt and tied ribbon as physical signs of our prayer. Along the canals, in rain, mist, snow, cloud and even a bit of sunshine, we prayed in every parish finishing this first season in July by crossing under the Thames from the Isle of Dogs to climb the hill in Greenwich park and look out over the whole of Tower Hamlets and pray …and we’ll be carrying on!

Keep an eye on towerhamlets.church/prayer to see where we’re heading next. We hope you will join us!


We’re all going on a summer holiday!


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